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Experience Management Framework

Experience Management Needs a Structure

All organizations have a starting point when it comes to managing the experience of their customers and employees. One of the key questions for organizations when this is the case is, how can experience management help my business? To assist in helping business leaders see how experience management fits into their organization, the Experience Management Framework by Experience Collab was forged. 


The framework can be applied for employee and customer experience. It is built to enable organizations see how adopting experience management, through the form of XLAs, can not only support the experience of their people but also of their organization as a whole. Experience management is often thought of as a solely human-centred initiative, and whilst this is certainly true, the end-results of supporting the experience of our employees and customers and positive repercussions for our business, including 



Experience Management Framework - Experience Collab

Business Outcomes

Something every organization has, a business outcome is a noticeable and defined result/s from work or a project being conducted; for example, increased profitability or employee productivity.

Experience Outcomes

The first step into experience management, experience outcomes are defined results in the experience of those we are targeting with XLAs.

Experience Ambitions

An experience ambitions is a statement of intent of the experience that the organization wishes to deliver for stakeholders interacting with a particular service/product. An organization can have multiple statements in place; each statement devised forms an XLA.


An experience ambition can be either:

  • Intrinsic - Achieving the expectation that an individual has of an experience.

  • Extrinsic - Achieving the business value assigned to an experience.

Controlled Experience Indicators

Controlled experience indicators are the sentiment, operational, technical, and other data points used to measure experience for experience ambitions. Because action can be taken to improve them, they are deemed as controllable.

Uncontrolled (Experience) Influencers

For every experience we try to improve, there are factors outside of our control that can have a positive or negative effect. Uncontrolled influencers are factors that influence our experience, over which those providing the experience have no control; for example, weather, family, and political events contributing to a positive or negative mood.​

Experience Findings and Decisions

The end results of our efforts to manage and improve experience, experience findings are the overall conclusion of experience for an XLA, being generated by aggregating X and, depending on the maturity level of XLA your organization finds most appropriate, possibly O and T data together.

Experience management is not a one and done initiative. The findings and decisions taken once the organisation has reached the end of the framework should go on to influence the business and experience outcomes as the organisation prepares to take another iteration. The framework is designed to be as fluid as experience is, never not relevant to the continually changing energy of experience. The only way the framework changes definition depends on where the organisation is looking at it from their experience management journey.  


With the experience management framework, organizations are better enabled to build experience metrics and XLAs that are right for them, their ambitions, budget and resources. How can a business begin it's steps to designing XLAs and managing experience ? You can learn more about how to build XLAs and take the steps in a journey of experience management with our Experience Optimization Framework. 

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